ศ. ดร. ศันสนีย์ ไชยโรจน์
115 - Pathological effects of malaria
Interactions between parasite molecules and their receptors on endothelial cells
- Cytokine and chemokine levels in pregnant woman with falciparum malaria
- Biology of Penicillium marneffei
รศ. ดร.วโรดม เจริญสวรรค์
112 Bioinformatics and Systems Biology,Comparative omics,Gene expression regulation (genetics and epigenetics),Single-cell transcriptomics
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ola Spjuth
76 Software Development, High Performance Computing, Modeling, Project Management, Bioinformatics, QSAR, Drug Design, Drug Discovery
Cheminformatics and Computational Chemistry,Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
อาจารย์ ดร. ชาฎิณี ทิพกรณ์
68 In silo study , Molecular biology in genomic approach , Molecular biology in proteomic approach , Cell culture experience in stem cells
RNAi technology